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1. Ma Shuangmei, Congwen Zhu, and Juan Liu: 2020. Combined impacts of warm central equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures and anthropogenic warming on the 2019 severe drought in East China.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-020-0077-8

2. Ma Shuangmei, Comgwen Zhu, 2020. Atmospheric circulation regime causing winter temperature whiplash events in North China.International Journal of Climatology, 1– 17. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6706

3. 马双梅,祝从文,刘伯奇. 2020: 2019年4-6月云南持续性高温天气的大气环流异常成因.大气科学,doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2004.19226,在线发表

4. Ma Shuangmei and Congwen Zhu, 2019: Extreme Cold Wave over East Asia in January 2016: A Possible Response to the Larger Internal Atmospheric Variability Induced by Arctic Warming.J. Climate, 32, 1203–1216.

5. Ma Shuangmei, Congwen Zhu, Boqi Liu, Tianjun Zhou, Yihui Ding, J. Orsolini Yvan, 2018. Polarized Response of East Asian Winter Temperature Extremes in the Era of Arctic Warming.Journal of Climate, 31(14): 5543-5557.

6. Ma Shuangmei, Tianjun Zhou, Dáithí A Stone, Oliver Angélil, Hideo Shiogama. 2017. Attribution of the July-August 2013 Heat Event in Central and Eastern China to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions.Environmental Research Letters, 12(5): 054020.

7. Ma Shuangmei, Tianjun Zhou, Dáithí A. Stone, Debbie Polson, Aiguo Dai, Peter A. Stott, Hans von Storch, Yun Qian, Claire Burke, Peili Wu, Liwei Zou, Andrew Ciavarella. 2017. Detectable anthropogenic shift toward heavy precipitation over eastern China,Journal of Climate, 30(4): 1381-1396.

8. Ma Shuangmei, Tianjun Zhou, Oliver Angélil, Hideo Shiogama. 2017. Increased Chances of Drought in Southeastern Periphery of the Tibetan Plateau Induced by Anthropogenic Warming.Journal of Climate, 30(16): 6543-6560.

9. Ma Shuangmei, Zhou Tianjun, Robust strengthening and westward shift of the tropical Pacific Walker circulation during 1979~2012: a comparison of 7 sets of reanalysis data and 26 CMIP5 models. Journal of Climate, 2016, 29: 3097-3118, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0398.1

10. Ma Shuangmei, Zhou Tianjun, Aiguo Dai, Zhenyu Han, Observed Changes in the Distributions of Daily Precipitation Frequency and Amount over China from 1960-2013, Journal of Climate, 2015, 28: 6960-6978

11. Ma Shuangmei, Zhou Tianjun, Observed trends in the timing of wet and dry season in China and the associated changes in frequency and duration of daily precipitation, Int. J. Climatol., 2015, 35: 4631-4641, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4312

12. Ma Shuangmei, Zhou Tianjun, Precipitation changes in wet and dry seasons over the 20th century simulated by two versions of the FGOALS model. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2015, 32(6): 839-854, doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-4136-x.

13. Ma Shuangmei, Zhou Tianjun, Changes of the tropical Pacific Walker circulation simulated by two versions of FGOALS model, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(9): 2165-2180, doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4902-8

14. Zhou Tianjun,Ma Shuangmei, Zou Liwei, Understanding a hot summer in central eastern China: Summer 2013 in context of multi-model trend analysis. [in "Explaining Extreme Events of 2013 from a Climate Perspective"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2014, 95(9), S54-S57.

15. Zhou T, Zhang W, Zhang L, Zhang X, Qian Y, Peng D,Ma S, Dong B. 2020. The dynamic and thermodynamic processes dominating the reduction of global land monsoon precipitation driven by anthropogenic aerosols emission.Science China Earth Sciences, 63, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-019-9613-9

16. LIU, B., ZHU, C., SU, J.,MA, S., & XU, K. (2019). Record-Breaking Northward Shift of the Western North Pacific Subtropical High in July 2018. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2019-047

17. Hao, Y., Liu, B., Zhu, C., &Ma, S. (2018). The Interannual Dominant Covariation Mode of Boreal Summer Monsoon Rainfall during 1979–2014. Journal of Climate, 31(11), 4193-4213.

18. GUO, L., ZHU, C. W., LIU, B. Q., &MA, S. M. (2018). Subseasonal variation of winter rainfall anomalies over South China during the mature phase of super El Niño events. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11(5), 396-403.

李东欢,周天军,邹立维,马双梅, 2017: RegCM3 CORDEX东亚试验模拟和预估的中国夏季温度变化,大气科学, 41(3):544-560. doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1607.16153

l 国家自然基金青年项目,北极增暖对东亚冬季极端温度事件的两极化影响机理,201801-202012,24万,在研,主持

l 中国气象局2018年气候变化专项项目,2016年东亚“Boss”级寒潮对北极增暖的响应,201801-201812,9万,结题,主持

l 国家自然科学基金重点项目,东亚夏季风次季节模态变化的关键物理过程、变化机理和可预报性研究,2019.01-2023.12,280万,在研,骨干

l 中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费重点项目,次季节至季节气候预测理论和方法研究,201805-202012,234万,在研,骨干

l 国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害监测预警与防范”重点专项,30-90 天气候变异机理和预测方法研究—东亚30-90 天气候变异与我国持续性异常事件成因,201812 -202112,217万,在研,参加