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1.  2020/09 – 至今, 南京气象科技创新研究院, 副研究员

2.  2013/09 – 2020/08,  南京大学大气科学学院助理研究员

3.  2011/09 – 2013/08, 美国Oklahoma大学CAPS实验室博士后

4.  2008/09 – 2011/06, 美国Oklahoma大学CAPS实验室访问学者/联合培养博士生

5.  2005/09 – 2011/06, 中国科学院大气物理研究所,博士


(1) Kefeng Zhu, Chengyue Zhang, Ming Xue and Nan Yang, 2022: Predictability and Skill of Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecast Systems in Predicting the Record-Breaking “21•7” Extreme Rainfall Event in Henan Province, China. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 65, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-022-9961-7.

(2) Zhicheng Ding, Kun Zhao*, Kefeng Zhu* and Yeru Feng, 2022: Assimilation of Polarimetric Radar Observation with GSI Cloud Analysis for the Prediction of a Squall Line, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098253. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098253.

(3) Nan Yang, Kefeng Zhu* and Ming Xue*, 2022: Investigation of Convection-Allowing Prediction Error of an Extreme Precipitation Event of China Using CRTM-Simulated Brightness Temperature. J. Geophy. Res, accepted.

(4) Chengyue Zhang, Ming Xue* and Kefeng Zhu, 2022: Climatology of Significant Tornadoes within China and Comparison of Tornado Environments between United States and China. Monthly Weather Review, conditional accepted.

(5) Peng Wei, Xin Xu*, Ming Xue, Chengyue Zhang, Yuan Wang, Kun Zhao, Ang Zhou, Shushi Zhang and Kefeng Zhu, 2022: On the Maintenance of the 21.7 Zhengzhou Extreme Hourly Rainfall in China. Adv Atmos Sci, doi:  10.1007/s00376-022-2061-y.

(6) Xiucheng Wang, Ming Xue*, Kefeng Zhu, Yuehan Zhang and Ziqi Fan, 2022: Diurnal Variation of Summer Monsoon Season Precipitation over Southern Hainan Island, China: the Role of Boundary Layer Inertial Oscillations over Indochina Peninsula, J. Geophy. Res, conditional accepted.

(7) 张晨悦,朱科锋,薛明*,孙正齐,2022:对流可分辨尺度集合预报对阜宁龙卷可预报性研究. 气象科学,接收.

(8) 朱科锋,张晨悦,薛明*,杨楠,2022:对流可分辨尺度集合预报对河南“217”极端降水事件可预报性研究. 中国科学,52:1–24, doi:10.1360/N072022-0046

(9) 俞碧玉,朱科锋*2022: 多种空间检验方法在不同分辨率模式降水预报评估中的应用. 气象科学,42(3):341-355.

(10) 王晨, 赵坤*朱科锋,傅佩玲,陈炳洪,杨正玮,2022 EnKF循环同化相控阵雷达数据与变分雷达反演方法的对比研究:对一次台风外围龙卷个例的分析. 气象科学,2022,42(1):1-11.


(11) Kefeng Zhu, Biyu Yu, Ming Xue, Bowen Zhou and Xiao-Ming Hu, 2021, Summer Season Precipitation Biases in 4 km WRF Forecasts over Southern China:  Diagnoses of the Causes of Biases. J. Geophy. Res, 126, e2021JD035530.

(12) Chen Wang, Kun Zhao*, Kefeng Zhu*, Hao Huang, Yinghui Lv, Peilin Fu, 2021, Assimilation of X-Band Phased-Array Radar Data With EnKF for the Analysis and Warning Forecast of a Tornadic Storm, JAMES,  13, e2020MS002441 

(13) Shuxin Cai, Anning Huang*, Kefeng Zhu*, Ben Yang and Xiyu Mu, 2021, Diurnal Cycle of Summer Precipitation over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Regions Simulated in a Convection-Permitting Mode, CLim. Dynamic, 57, 611–632.

(14) Wu, T., S. Zhang, K. Zhu, and H. Ma, 2021: The Impact of Applying Individually Perturbed Parametrization Tendency Scheme on the Simulated El Niño-Southern Oscillation in the Community Earth System Model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9.

(15) Liping Luo, Ming Xue, Kefeng Zhu and Zhaomin Wang, 2021: Diagnosing the Shape Parameters of the Gamma Particle Size Distribution in a Two-Moment Microphysics Scheme and Improvements to Explicit Hail Prediction. Atmosphere Research, 258, 105651.

(16)  Qiwei Wang, Yi Zhang, Kefeng Zhu, Zhemin Tan and Ming Xue, 2021: A case study of the initiation of parallel convective lines back-building from the south side of a Meiyu front over complex. Adv Atmos Sci, 38, 717-736.

(17)  Shiwei Sun, Ming Xue, Bowen Zhou and Kefeng Zhu, 2021: Scale-Similarity Subgrid-Scale Turbulence Closure for Supercell Simulations at Kilometer-Scale Resolutions: Comparison Against a Large Eddy Simulation, J. Atmos. Sci. 78(2), 417-437.

(18) 史文茹,李昕,曾明剑,张冰,王宏斌,朱科锋,诸葛小勇,20217·20”郑州特大暴雨的多模式对比及高分辨率区域模式预报分析. 大气科学学报, 44(5)688-702.

(19) 宋文婷,李昀英,黄浩,朱科锋2021: 基于S波段双偏振雷达资料的降水粒子类型识别算法及应用,大气科学学报,442):209-218.


(20) Yu, Biyu, Kefeng Zhu*, MingXue, and B. Zhou, 2020: Using New Neighborhood-Based Intensity-Scale Verification Metrics to Evaluate WRF Precipitation Forecasts at 4 and 12 km Grid Spacings. Atmos. Res., 246, 105117. (通讯作者)

(21) Bowen Zhou, Yuhuan Li and Kefeng Zhu*, 2020: Improved length scales for turbulence kinetic energy-based planetary boundary layer scheme for the convective atmospheric boundary layer. J. Atmos. Sci. 77 (7): 2605–2626. (通讯作者)

(22) Zhu, Kefeng, Xue, M, Ouyang, K, Jung,Y., 2020: Assimilating Polarimetric radar data with an ensemble Kalman filter: OSSEs with a tornadic supercell storm simulated with a two‐moment microphysics scheme. Q J R Meteorol Soc.; 146:1880–1900.

(23) Luo, L., M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2020: The initiation and organization of a severe hail-producing mesoscale convective system in east China: A numerical study. J. Geophy. Res., 125, e2020JD032606.


(24) Zhu, Kefeng, M. Xue, Y. Pan, M. H. S. G. Benjamin, S. S. Weygandt, and H. Lin, 2019: The Impact of Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation within a Frequently Updated Regional Forecast System Using GSI-based Ensemble Kalman Filter. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36(12), 1308-1326.

(25) Fu, Peiling, Kefeng Zhu*, K. Zhao, B. Zhou, and M. Xue, 2019: Role of the Nocturnal Low-level Jet in the Formation of the Morning Precipitation Peak over the Dabie Mountains. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36, 15-28.(通讯作者)

(26) Zhou, B., S. Sun, J. Sun and Kefeng Zhu*, 2019: The Universality of the Normalized Vertical Velocity Variance in Contrast to the Horizontal Velocity Variance in the Convective Boundary Layer. J. Atmos. Sci. 761437–1456. (通讯作者)

(27) Sun, Z., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2019: Prediction of an EF4 Supercell Tornado in Funing, China: Resolution Dependency of Simulated Tornadoes. Atmosphere Research. 229, 175-189.

(28) Zhang, Y., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2019: What is the main cause of diurnal variation and nocturnal peak of summer precipitation in Sichuan Basin, China? The key role of boundary layer low-level jet inertial oscillations. J. Geophy. Res., 124, 2643-2664.


(29) Zhu, Kefeng, M.Xue, B. Zhou, K. Zhao, Z. Sun, P. Fu, Y. Zheng, X. Zhang, and Q. Meng, 2018: Evaluation of Real-Time Convection-Permitting Precipitation Forecasts in China During the 2013-2014 Summer Season. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123:2, 1037-1064.

(30) Zhou, B., Shiwei Sun, Kai Yao, and Kefeng Zhu*, 2018: Reexamining the Gradient and Countergradient Representation of the Local and Nonlocal Heat Fluxes in the Convective Boundary Layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 2317–2336 (通讯作者)

(31) Luo, L., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2018: Explicit prediction of hail in a long-lasting multi-cellular convective system in eastern China using multi-moment microphysics schemes. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 3115-3137.

(32) Xue, M., X. Luo, K. Zhu, Z. Sun, and J. Fei, 2018: The controlling role of boundary layer inertial oscillations in meiyu frontal precipitation and its diurnal cycles over China J. Geophy. Res., 123, 5090-5115.

(33) Zhou, B., M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2018: A Grid-Refinement-Based Approach to Modeling the Convective Boundary Layer in the Gray Zone: Algorithms and A Posteriori Tests. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 1143–1161

(34) Pan, Y., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and M. Wang (2018), A Prototype Regional GSI-based EnKF-Variational Hybrid Data Assimilation System for the Rapid Refresh Forecasting System: Dual-Resolution Implementation and Testing Results, Adv Atmos Sci, 35(5), 518-530.


(35) 黄旋旋,朱科锋*,赵坤,2017:改进后TREC外推方法在台风临近降雨预报中的应用.气象科学, 37(05):610-618. (通讯作者)

(36) 黄旋旋,朱科锋*,赵坤,2017:利用雷达反射率因子垂直廓线改进复杂地形下的台风降水估测精度.气象,43(10):1198-1212. (通讯作者)

(37) Zhou, B., K. Zhu, and M. Xue, 2017: A Physically-based horizontal subgrid-scale turbulent mixing parameterization for the convective boundary layer in mesoscale models. J. Atmos. Sci., 74,2657–2674.

(38) Zhou, B., M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2017: A Grid-Refinement-Based Approach to Modeling the Convective Boundary Layer in the Gray Zone: A pilot study. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 3497-3513.

(39) Luo, L., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2017: Explicit prediction of hail in a hailstorm of 19 March 2014 in eastern China using multi-moment microphysics schemes. J. Geophy. Res., 122,7560–7581.

(40) Xu, X., Y. Wang, M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2017: Impacts of horizontal propagation of orographic gravity waves on the wave drag in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. J. Geophy. Res., 122,11,301–11312.


(41) Zhu, Kefeng and Ming Xue, 2016: Evaluation of WRF-based Convection-Permitting Multi-Physics Ensemble Forecasts over China for the July 21, 2012 Beijing Extreme Rainfall Event. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33, 1240-1258.

(42) Zhu, Kefeng, Yi Yang, and Ming Xue*, 2015: Percentile-based neighborhood precipitation verification and its application to a landfalling tropical storm case with radar data assimilation. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32, 1449–1459.

(43) Yang, Y., Y. Wang and K. Zhu, 2015: Assimilation of Chinese Doppler Radar and Lightning Data Using WRF-GSI: A Case Study of Mesoscale Convective System, Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2015, Article ID 763919, 17 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/763919

(44) Zhou, Y., K. Zhu, Z. Zhang, 2015: Anomaly of the Moist Potential Vorticity Substance with Mass Forcing and Its Application in Diagnosing Mei-Yu Front Rainfall . Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 8(1), 39-44, doi: 10.3878/AOSL20140060.

(45) 罗爱文,朱科锋*方茸,金龙,赵坤,2 0 1 5: 江淮地区弓状回波的分布和环境特征分析,气象,4 15): 5 8 85 9 7. 

(46) 赵坤,王明筠,朱科锋,明杰,马秀梅,王元,2015: 登陆台风边界层风廓线特征的地基雷达观测[J].气象学报,73(05):837-852.

(47) 黄旋旋,朱科锋*赵坤. 近海台风中心自适应定位方法研究,2014: 南京大学学报(自然科学),06:855-864. 

(48) Pan, Y., K. Zhu, M. Xue*, X. Wang, M. Hu, S. G. Benjamin, S. S. Weygandt, and J. S. Whitaker, 2014: A regional GSI-based EnKF-variational hybrid data assimilation system for the Rapid Refresh configuration: Results with a single, reduced resolution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 3756-3780.

(49) 周玉淑,刘璐,朱科锋,李建通,2014:北京“7.21”特大暴雨过程中尺度系统的模拟及演变特征分析.大气科学, 38(05):885-896.

(50) Zhu, Kefeng, Yujie Pan, Ming Xue*, Xuguang Wang, J. S. Whitaker, S. G. Benjamin, S. S. Weygandt, and M. Hu, 2013: A regional GSI-based EnKF system for the Rapid Refresh configuration: Results with a single, reduced resolution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 4118-4139.

(51) Xue, M., J. Schleif, F. Kong, K. K. Thomas, Y. Wang, and Kefeng Zhu, 2013: Track and intensity forecasting of Hurricanes: Impact of cloud-resolving resolution and ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation on 2010 Atlantic season forecasts. Wea. Forecasting, 28, 1366-1384.