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Tel: 010-58993334

Email: lilun@cma.gov.cn


20066月 毕业于南京信息工程大学 大学科学系 获得学士学位

2011年7月 毕业于中国科学院大气物理研究所(硕博连读) 获得博士学位  导师:张人禾 院士


20117-201411月  中国气象科学研究院气候系统研究所 助理研究员

201411-201912月  中国气象科学研究院气候系统研究所 副研究员

201912月至今 中国气象科学研究院青藏高原气象研究所  研究员

20194-20203 英国气象局Hadley中心高级访问学者


1. Lun Li and Renhe Zhang. 2023.Evolution mechanisms, impacts, and variations of the vortices originated from the Tibetan Plateau. Earth-Science Reviews (IF=12.1). 242:104463

2. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang. 2023. Interdecadal shift in dipole pattern precipitation trends over the Tibetan Plateau: Roles of local vortices.Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL101445.

3. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Li Jia. 2022.Climatic characteristics of Tibetan Plateau vortex precipitation based on observations.International Journal of Climatology.42: 9237-9252.

4. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Min Wen, Junmei Lv. 2021c.Regionally different precipitation trends over the Tibetan Plateau in the warming context: A perspective of the Tibetan Plateau vortices.Geophysical Research Letters.48, e2020GL091680.

5. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang. 2021b.Effect of upper‐level air temperature changes over the Tibetan Plateau on the genesis frequency of Tibetan Plateau vortices at interannual timescales.Climate Dynamics, 57, 341-352. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05715-x.

6. Lun Li, Congwen Zhu, Renhe Zhang, Boqi Liu. 2021a. Roles of the Tibetan Plateau vortices in the record Meiyu rainfall in 2020.Atmospheric Science Letters. 2021, 22: e1017.

7. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Peili Wu, Min Wen, Jianping Duan. 2020d. Roles of Tibetan Plateau vortices in the heavy rainfall over southwestern China in early July 2018.Atmospheric Research, 245: 105059.

8. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang and Peili Wu. 2020c.Evaluation of NCEP‐FNL and ERA‐Interim Data Sets in Detecting Tibetan Plateau Vortices in May–August of 2000–2015. Earth and Space Science,7, e2019EA000907.

9. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Peili Wu, Min Wen, Bo Li. 2020b.Characteristics of convections associated with the Tibetan Plateau vortices based on geostationary satellite data. International Journal of Climatology.40: 4876-4887.

10. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang and Min Wen. 2020a. Structure characteristics of the vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau.Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 132:19-34.

11. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Min Wen et al. 2019d. Effects of the Atmospheric Dynamic and Thermodynamic Fields on Eastward Propagation of Tibetan Plateau Vortices.Tellus A. 71: 1647088.

12. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Min Wen, Jianping Duan, Yanjun Qi. 2019c. Characteristics of the Tibetan Plateau vortices and the related large-scale circulations causing different precipitation intensity.Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 138: 849-860.

13. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang and Min Wen. 2019b. Large-scale backgrounds and crucial factors modulating the eastward moving speed of vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics, 53: 1711-1722.

14. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang and Min Wen. 2019a. Development and eastward movement mechanisms of the Tibetan Plateau vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau.Climate Dynamics, 52: 4849-4859.

15. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Min Wen and Jianping Duan. 2018d. Modulation ofthe Intensity of Nascent Tibetan Plateau Vortices by Atmospheric Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation. Adv. Atm. Sci., 35: 1347-1361.

16. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang and Min Wen. 2018c. Diurnal variation in the intensity of nascent Tibetan Plateau vortices.Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society1442524-2536.

17. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang and Min Wen. 2018b. Modulation of the atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation on the diurnal variation of the occurrence frequency of the Tibetan Plateau vortices.Climate Dynamics, 50: 4507-4518.

18. Lun Li, Renhe Zhang, Min Wen and Junmei Lv. 2018a. Effect of the atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation on the vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau.Climate Dynamics, 50: 1193-1207.

    入选人才计划和获奖情况 (2023年9月更新)

1. 入选中国气象局首批新时代气象高层次科技创新人才计划,并获得中国气象局青年气象英才称号(2020年);

2. 获评中国气象科学研究院领军人才;

3. 中国气象局十三五以来气象科技成果优秀等级2022年);

4.Journal of Meteorological Research》审稿人奖(2022年);

5. 入选中国气象科学研究院高层次人才培养计划(2019年);

6. 获得中国气象科学研究院优秀共产党员称号(2018年);

7. 获得中国气象科学研究院优秀青年奖(2018年)。


1. 硕士研究生黄鸿惠获得2022年度“华云研究生优秀成绩奖”二等奖;

2. 硕士研究生马骏获得2023年度“华云研究生优秀成绩奖”二等奖。