主要研究方向:短期气候预测,气候系统复杂性研究。主要承担短期气候预测技术研发,提出从经向和纬向遥相关协同作用的角度解释东亚夏季降水主模态、主雨带的形成机理,评估了模式对东亚-西太地区夏季降水主模态存在预报偏差的原因;发展了基于“大样本因子组合”的历史最优信息提取技术,将历史信息、模式预报分别作为预报因子构建新的预报方程,融合最相似信息和最不相似信息,研发了夏季降水的客观化预测的新思路,发展了有效增加模式季节降水预报中年代际变化信息的动力-统计预测方法,实现了模式动力信息与统计信息的多方案融合。组织研发了动力统计集成的客观化季节气候预测系统1.0版本、2.0版本和英文版,编制了中、英文操作手册,实现了系统在省级单位和亚洲区域的培训和应用。2012年以来,出版专著《气候系统复杂网络及其应用》(第1作者)和《Use of Climate Predictions to Manage Risks》(通讯)等著作4本。在国内外期刊发表论文60多篇,其中第一(通讯)作者论文30多篇,SCI论文20多篇,论文累计引用300多次。获得了2015年气象科学技术成果进步奖二等奖,2017年教育部科技进步奖二等奖等省部级奖励3项,入选中国气象局2016年“青年英才”人才培养计划。
201801- 国家气候中心 处长/研究员
2014-2017 国家气候中心 副处/高工
201410-201609 World Meteorological Organization, Switzerland 气候预测服务借调专家
200906-201312 国家气候中心 高级工程师
200906 兰州大学 气象学 研究生 博士
1.龚志强、支蓉、冯爱霞、封国林等,《气候系统复杂网络及其应用》, 气象出版社,2014年
1.Gong Z Q, Dogar M, Feng G Let al. The Possible Physical Mechanism for the EAP-SR co-Action, Climate Dynamics, 2019, 51(4): 1499–1516.
2.Qiao S B, Hu P,Gong Z Q (Correspondence) et al. Enhancement of the relationship between the winter Arctic oscillation and the following summer circulation anomalies over central East Asia since the early 1990s. Climate Dynamics, 2018, 50(9-10), 3485–3503.
3.Gong Z Q, Dogar M, Qiao S B, Hu Po and Feng G L, 2017. Limitations of BCC_CSM's ability to predict summer precipitation over East Asia and the Northwestern Pacific. Atmospheric Research, 193: 184-191.
4.Gong Z Q, Clément H, and Feng G L. Methods for Improving the Prediction Skill of Summer Precipitation over East Asia–West Pacific. Weather and Forecasting, 2017, 31(4), 2016: 1381-1392.
5.Gong Z Q et al, Assessment and Correction of BCC_CSM's Performance in Capturing Leading Modes of Summer Precipitation over North Asia. International Journal of Climatology,2018,38(5):2201-2214.
6.Gong Z Q, Li S F, Hu P, et al. 2016: Dynamic-analogue correction of the decadal change of East Asian summer precipitation in the late 1990s. J. Meteor. Res., 30(3): 341-353.
7.Gong Z Q, Feng G L, Ren F M et al. A regional extreme low temperature event and its main atmospheric contributing factors. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2014, 117(1-2), 195 - 206.
8.Gong Z Q, Feng T C, and Fang Y H. Objective identification research on cold vortex and mid-summer rainy periods in Northeast China. Chin. Phys. B,2015, 24(4): 049204.
9.Gong Z Q, Zhao J H, Feng G L, Chou J F. Dynamic-statistics combined forecast scheme based on the abrupt decadal change component of summer precipitation in East Asia. Science China: Earth Sciences. 2015, 58(3): 404 – 414
10. He S H, Feng T C, GongZ Q (Correspondence) et al. Predicting extreme rainfall over eastern Asia by using complex networks. 2014. Chin. Phys. B, 23: 059202.
11. Gong, Z Q, Feng, G L, Ren, F M. A regional extreme low temperature event and its main atmospheric contributing factors. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2014, 117(1-2), 195-206.
12.Gong Z Q, Zhi R, Feng G L, Zhang Q. Dry/wet Changes and Their Durative Characteristics in China during the past 530 Years. Acta. Meteoro. Sin.,2011, 25(2): 142-155
13.Gong Z Q, Wang X J, Zhi R, Feng A X. Circulation system complex networks and teleconnections. Chin. Phys. B 2011 20(7): 079201
14. Wang X, Liu L,Gong Z (Correspondence) et al. Improving the prediction skill for China summer rainfall through correcting leading modes in Beijing Climate Center's Climate System Model. Int J Climatol. 2019,39(11):4329-4339.
15.Gong Z Q, Feng G L et al. Complex Network of Extreme Precipitation in East Asia. J. Tropical Meteorology, 2017(04):84-97.
16. Hu P,Gong Z Q(Correspondence)et al. 2020: Joint effect of East Asia/Pacific and Eurasian teleconnections on the summer precipitation pattern in North Asia. J. Meteor. Res., 34(3), 1 – 16, doi: 10.1007/s13351- 020-9112-z.
17. Hu P, Cheng J B,Gong Z Q (Correspondence) et al. The mechanism of EAP-EU combined impact on summer rainfall over North Asia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00704- 020-03295-0
项目来源 与类别 |
项目(课题)名称 |
起止时间 |
本人作用 |
1 |
国家自然基金面上项目 |
AMO和PDO在1990s末东北亚夏季降水年代际变化中的协同作用研究 | 2015 | 主持 |
2 |
国家自然基金青年项目 | 基于气候复杂网络的中国东部极端降水与夏季雨带分布研究 |
2013 |
主持 |
3 |
科技部 | 次季节-季节尺度多模式集合预测系统研发 |
2018 |
专题负责人 |
4 |
科技部 |
中国区域重大极端天气气候事件的归因方法研究 |
2019 |
专题负责人 |
5 |
中国气象局 |
青年英才项目 |
2017 | 主持 |
2018年,吉林省科学技术三等奖 (排名第2)