2019年1月 中国海洋大学 获博士学位
2019年6月至2021年9月 清华大学 任科研博士后
2021年10月至2022年12月 中国气象科学研究院 任助理研究员
2023年1月至今 中国气象科学研究院 任副研究员
Gao X Y, J S Sun*, J F Yin, A Abulikemu, C Wu, X D Liang, R D Xia, 2024: The impact of mountain-plain thermal contrast on precipitation distributions during the “23·7” record-breaking heavy rainfall over North China, Atmospheric Research, 2024, 107582. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107582
Gao X Y, X H Bao*, S H Ma*, Q Chen, and B Wang, 2024: An online assimilation method to improve the numerical forecast of sea fog using microwave radiometer-retrieved cloud water path. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 129, e2023JD040229. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD040229
Gao X Y, Y L Luo*, Y L Lin, and X H Bao, 2022: A source of WRF simulation error for the early-summer heavy rainfall over South China Coast: Land-sea thermal contrast in the boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035179. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD035179
Gao X Y, S H Gao*, Z R Li, and Y M Wang*, 2023: A revised method with a temperature constraint for assimilating satellite-derived humidity in forecasting sea fog over the Yellow Sea. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 992246. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.992246
Gao X Y, P Lu*, S Q Zhang*, et al., 2022: A comparative study on initial developments between explosive and nonexplosive cyclones off the East Asian coast in winter. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 968736. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.968736
Gao X Y*, Y L Lin, and J Yue, 2021: EnKF assimilation of satellite-retrieved cloud water path to improve tropical cyclone rainfall forecast. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 27(3), 201-217. https://jtm.itmm.org.cn/en/article/doi/10.46267/j.1006-8775.2021.019
Gao X Y, and S H Gao*, 2020: Impact of multivariate background error covariance on the WRF-3DVAR assimilation for the Yellow Sea fog modeling. Advances in Meteorology, 2020, 8816185. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8816185
Gao X Y, S H Gao*, and Y Yang, 2018: A comparison between 3DVAR and EnKF for data assimilation effects on the Yellow Sea fog forecast. Atmosphere, 9(9), 346. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9090346
Sun X Y, X Y Gao*, Y L Luo*, W K Wong, and H M Xu, 2022: A comparative analysis of characteristics and synoptic backgrounds of extreme heat events over two urban agglomerations in Southeast China. Land, 11, 2235. https://doi.org/10.3390/land1112223
高小雨, 唐若莹, 张树钦*, 陈金龙, 徐洪蕾, 2020: 海陆差异对一次强暴发性气旋影响的数值模拟研究. 海洋与湖沼, 51(6), 1359-1369.
高小雨, 高山红*, 2019: 黄海海雾短时临近预报中云水路径的EnKF同化研究. 海洋与湖沼, 50(2), 248-260.
王静菊, 高小雨(共同一作), 高山红*, 2017: 一次黄海海雾的数据同化试验与形成机制研究. 海洋气象学报, 37(1), 42-53.
Sun X Y, Y L Luo*, X Y Gao, M W Wu, M X Li, L Huang, D L Zhang, and H M Xu, 2021: On the localized extreme rainfall over the Great Bay Area in South China with complex topography and strong UHI effects. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 2777-2801.
Bao X H, Y L Luo*, and X Y Gao: The synoptic impacts on the convection initiation of a warm-sector heavy rainfall event over Coastal South China prior to the monsoon onset: a numerical modeling study. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmosphere, 126, e2020JD034355.
Zhao D C, Y L Lin*, Y L Li, and X Y Gao, 2021: An extreme heat event induced by Typhoon Lekima (2019) and its contributing factors. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmosphere, 126(11), e2021JD034760.
虞洋*, 高小雨, 陈金龙, 虞兰兰, 2018: 热带气旋对南海西南季风的影响分析. 东北水利水电, 36(6), 67-70.
王锐, 高山红, 高小雨, 2019: 海雾模拟中卫星辐射同化偏差订正软件 (2019SR0436401).