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10/2016‒11/2019:中国地质大学(武汉)· 讲师   

3. 科研项目











  • Li, J.Y., Q.Y. Xiao, Y. Chen, J.Y. Mao, L.L. Song, P.M., Zhai, S. Wang, 2024: Impacts of 10–30-day atmospheric oscillation on persistent compound heatwaves in the Yangtze River Delta with implications for local electricity demand and supply. Environ.Res. Lett. 19, 104015, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad6886 
  • Li, J., Chen, Y., Mao, J., Zhai, P.M., 2023: Increase in optimal configuration of 2560-day atmospheric circulations for Yangtze heavy rainfall under global warming background. Weather and Climate Extremes, 42, 100630
  • Wu, D.Y., Zhao, S.Y., Li, J.Y*., Wang, W.K., 2023: Influences of atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation in midhigh latitudes on winter haze pollution over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. International Journal of Climatology, 43, 31733188.
  • Li, J. Y., J.Y. Mao., J.S. Kug, P.M. Zhai*, 2022: Distinctive impacts of atmospheric intraseasonal oscillations on the net ecosystem exchange of the southeastern China forest between spring and summer. Advances in Climate Change Research, 13, 700709
  • Li, J.Y., J.S. Kug, S.W. Park, P. M. Zhai, M. T. Huang, and J.S. Kim, 2022Distinct Magnitude Asymmetries of Daily Extreme Anomalies in Gross Primary Productivity between Forests and Non-Forests Climate Dynamics, 10.1007/s00382-022-06158-8.
  • Li, J. Y., P.M. Zhai, J.Y. Mao. L.L. Song, Q.Y. Xiao, 2021: Synergistic effect of the 2560-day tropical and mid-latitude intraseasonal oscillations on the persistently severe Yangtze floods. Geophysical Research Letter, 10.1029/2021GL095129
  • Li, J.Y., B.Q. Liu, and J.Y. Mao, 2021Climatological intraseasonal oscillation in the middleupper troposphere and its effect on the northward migration of the East Asian westerly jet and rain belt over eastern China. International Journal of Climatology, 10.1002/joc.7118
  • Li, J.Y., J.S. Kug, and J.Y. Mao, 2021The Influence of Atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillations on Terrestrial Biospheric CO2 Fluxes in Southeast China Forest, Climate Dynamics, 10.1007/s00382-021-05702-2
  • Li, J.Y., J.S. Kug, and J.S. Kim, 2020: The impact of the 2050-day atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation on the gross primary productivity between the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. Journal of Climate, 33, 29672984
  • Li, J.Y. and J.Y. Mao, 2019: Coordinated influences of the tropical and extratropical intraseasonal oscillations on the 1030-day variability of the summer rainfall over southeastern China. Climate Dynamics, 53, 137153
  • Li, J.Y. and J.Y. Mao, 2019: Factors controlling the interannual variation of 3060-day boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the Asian summer monsoon region. Climate Dynamics, 52, 16511672
  • Li, J.Y. and J.Y. Mao, 2018: The impact of interactions between tropical and mid-latitude intraseasonal oscillations around the Tibetan Plateau on the 1998 Yangtze floods. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144, 11231139
  • Li, J.Y. and J.Y. Mao, 2016: Changes in the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation projected by the CNRM-CM5 model under the RCP 8.5 scenario. Climate Dynamics, 47, 37133736
  • Li, J.Y. and J.Y. Mao, 2016: Experimental 15-day-lead statistical forecast of intraseasonal summer monsoon rainfall over Eastern China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 9, 6673
  • Li, J.Y., B.Q. Liu, J.D. Li and J.Y. Mao, 2015: A comparative study on the dominant factors responsible for the weaker-than-expected El Niño event in 2014. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32, 13811390 
  • Li, J.Y., J.Y. Mao and G.X. Wu, 2015: A case study of the impact of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations on Yangtze rainfall. Climate Dynamics, 44, 2683‒2702
  • Bian, Y.X, Hu, Y.Q., Li, M.X., Li, J.Y., Huang, M., Ma, X., 2023: Hail climatology and its possible attributions in Beijing, China: 1980-2021. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 1097766
  • Liu, B.Q., Y.H. Yan, C.W. Zhu, S.M. Ma, J.Y. Li, 2020: Record-breaking Meiyu rainfall around the Yangtze River in 2020 regulated by the subseasonal phase transition of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letter, 10.1029/2020GL090342 
  • 王熙乔,李健颖*,李双林.2023.北半球夏季3060天季节内振荡年代际变化及其对中国东部降水和气温的影响.大气科学,47(6),115.
  • 李健颖, 毛江玉, 2019: 亚洲夏季风3060天季节内振荡对中国东部地区持续性极端降水的影响. 大气科学, 43, 796812
  • 刘伯奇, 段亚楠,李健颖, 毛江玉, 2022: 春季青藏高原大气热源准双周振荡和维持机制. 高原气象 (已录用)
  • 刘伯奇, 李健颖, 毛江玉, 任荣彩, 刘屹岷, 2015: 2014年赤道东太平洋El Niño事件发展以及停滞过程的成因. 科学通报, 22, 21362148

中国气象科学研究院 优秀博士后                                      2022

中国地质大学(武汉)“最受欢迎专业课”                                  2018

“中国科学院大气物理研究所优秀博士学位论文”奖                          2017

博士研究生国家奖学金                                                    2015

美国数学建模竞赛一等奖                                                  2010