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本人长期从事东亚降水精细化特征观测分析,公里尺度对流分辨数值模拟,以及区域高分辨率数值模拟检验评估工作。在降水精细化特征的模拟偏差理解与公里尺度模式评估方法研发方面取得了创新性成果:系统揭示了对流可分辨模式对于东亚季风降水和环流的模拟增值,指出对流可分辨模式的关键优势在于对降水日变化等小时尺度特征,及其相关动力、热力过程的合理再现;面向公里尺度模式的研发和应用需求,创新并发展了基于雨团追踪的对流系统客观评估方法,支撑了区域高分辨率数值预报检验评估业务。近5年在本领域高影响期刊发表论文25篇,SCI论文21篇(第一作者SCI论文7篇),累计被引530余次(单篇SCI最高被引85次),h-index=10。相关工作被BAMS综述文章重点介绍,受邀在“CSSP-China Annual meeting”进行大会报告(Plenary Talk)。第一作者及主要作者文章连续四年(2020-2023)被WCRP旗舰试点研究工作组CORDEX-FPS-CPTP评为年度亮点研究(Scientific Highlights)。第一作者文章荣获ESI高被引论文(Highly Cited Paper),荣获WILEY高被引论文(Top Cited Article),荣获GRL封面文章(GRL Cover)。成果多次被中国科学院中英文官网、美国科学促进会(EurekAlert!)等媒体进行转载报道。多次受邀在中国气象局举办的研究型业务培训班授课。

近3年来,围绕“高影响天气(中尺度对流系统、强降水过程等)在全球变暖背景下变化的观测特征、物理机制与公里尺度对流分辨模拟”这一国际前沿热点问题,亦部署开展相关研究并取得一定科研成果(Li et al. 2020, 2022, 2023),同时作为会议召集人之一筹办2024年欧洲地学联盟年会(EGU2024)分会CL3.1.1“Regional to local climate change, processes, impacts, and extremes” (https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/session/49138)。

目前主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项,主持完成中国气象局气象预报业务关键技术发展专项子项目1项。作为专题负责人/科研骨干先后参与国家重点研发计划项目3项。作为骨干参加国家自然科学基金气象联合基金重点支持项目1项。先后多次受邀作为访问学者在德国马普气象研究所(MPI-M;2018)、美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR;2016, 2019)等国际先进模式研发团队进行访问交流。

受邀担任“青藏高原对流分辨尺度数值模拟国际旗舰试点研究工作组(Convection-Permitting Third Pole endorsed by WCRP-CORDEX as a Flagship Pilot Study; CORDEX-FPS-CPTP)”模式工作组成员(https://cordex.org/experiment-guidelines/flagship-pilot-studies/endorsed-cordex-flagship-pilote-studies/)。担任中英“气候科学支持服务伙伴关系中国项目(CSSP-China)第四工作组(东亚地区高分辨率数值模拟)成员。担任“中国气象局横断山区(低纬高原)灾害性天气研究中心学术骨干(2021.06-present)。担任中国气象局东北冷涡科研业务能力提升攻关团队“区域数值预报团队”团队成员、重点任务“数值模式诊断与评估技术”副负责人。作为检验评估专项工作组专家参与“智慧冬奥2022天气预报示范计划(SMART2022-FDP)”。







中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学学院、地球物理系大气科学专业























1) Puxi Li, Fengfei Song, Haoming Chen, Jian Li, Andreas F. Prein, Wenxia Zhang, Tianjun Zhou, Moran Zhuang, Mark Muetzelfeldt, Reinhard Schiemann, Chao Li. (2023). Intensification of Mesoscale Convective Systems in the East Asian Rainband Over the Past Two Decades. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(16), e2023GL103595. [Award: GRL Cover Paper]

2) Puxi Li, Mark Muetzelfeldt, Reinhard Schiemann, Haoming Chen, Jian Li, Kalli Furtado, Moran Zhuang. (2022). Sensitivity of simulated mesoscale convective systems over East Asia to the treatment of convection in a high-resolution GCM. Climate Dynamics, 60(9-10), 2783-2801. [Award: “WCRP CORDEX-FPS-CPTP” Scientific Highlights in 2022]

3) Puxi Li, Kalli Furtado, Tianjun Zhou, Haoming Chen, Jian Li. (2021). Convection-permitting modelling improves simulated precipitation over the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 147(734): 341-362. [Award: Top Cited Article in 2020-2021]

4) Puxi Li, Christopher Moseley, Andreas F. Prein, Haoming Chen, Jian Li, Kalli Furtado, Tianjun Zhou. (2020). Mesoscale convective system precipitation characteristics over East Asia. Part I: regional differences and seasonal variations. Journal of Climate, 33(21), 9271-9286. [研究成果直接应用于中国气象局区域高分辨率模式检验评估业务]

5) Puxi Li, Kalli Furtado, Tianjun Zhou, Haoming Chen, Jian Li, Zhun Guo and Chan Xiao. (2020). The diurnal cycle of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by the Met Office Unified Model at convection-permitting scales. Climate Dynamics, 55(1), 131-151. [Award: ESI Highly Cited Paper]

6) Puxi Li, Zhun Guo, Kalli Furtado, Haoming Chen, Jian Li, Sean Milton, Paul R. Field, Tianjun Zhou. (2019). Prediction of extreme precipitation in the eastern China flooding events of 2016: Added value of convection-permitting simulations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145(724): 3300-3319.

7) Puxi Li, Tianjun Zhou, Xiaolong Chen. (2018). Water vapor transport for spring persistent rains over southeastern China based on five reanalysis datasets. Climate Dynamic, 51(11): 4243-4257.

8) 李普曦, 周天军,邹立维,陈晓龙,张文霞,郭准. (2017). MRI模式对华南春雨气候态及年际变率的模拟: 不同模式分辨率的比较. 大气科学, 41 (3): 515−432.

9) Yufei Wu, Puxi Li, Haoming Chen. (2023). The characteristic and seasonal variation of mesoscale convective systems' precipitation over North China. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149 (755): 2348-2366.

10) Juan Li, Haoming Chen, Puxi Li, Xingwen Jiang. (2023). Evaluating the precipitation biases over the western periphery of the Sichuan Basin by ECMWF operational forecast model. Weather and Forecasting, 38 (8): 1481-1496.

11) Yin Zhao, Jian Li, Liwen Ren, Nina Li, Puxi Li. (2023). Fine-scale characteristics and dominant synoptic factors of spring precipitation over complex terrain of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres: e2022JD038352.

12) Zengchao Hao, Yang Chen, Sifang Feng, Zhen Liao, Ning An, Puxi Li. (2023). Sichuan-Chongqing spatio-temporally compound extremes: a bitter taste of novel hazards. Science Bulletin, 68 (13): 1337-1339.

13) Julia Kukulies, Huiwen Lai, Julia Curio, Zhe Feng, Changgui Lin, Puxi Li, Tinghai Ou, Shiori Sugimoto, Deliang Chen. (2023). Mesoscale convective systems in the third pole region: Characteristics, mechanisms and impact on precipitation. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11: 1143380.

14) Tianru Chen, Jian Li, Yi Zhang, Haoming Chen, Puxi Li, Huizheng Che. (2023). Evaluation of Hourly Precipitation Characteristics from a Global Reanalysis and Variable-Resolution Global Model over the Tibetan Plateau by Using a Satellite-Gauge Merged Rainfall Product. Remote Sensing, 15(4): 1013.

15) Yang Chen, Zhen Liao, Yan Shi, Puxi Li, Panmao Zhai. (2022). Greater Flash Flood Risks From Hourly Precipitation Extremes Preconditioned by Heatwaves in the Yangtze River Valley. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(18): e2022GL099485.

16) Moran Zhuang, Anmin Duan, Riyu Lu, Puxi Li, Jinglong Yao. (2022). Relative Impacts of the Orography and Land–Sea Contrast over the Indochina Peninsula on the Asian Summer Monsoon between Early and Late Summer. Journal of Climate, 35(10): 3037-3055.

17) Yin Zhao, Jian Li, Puxi Li. (2022). Difference in the Atmospheric Water Cycle over the Hengduan Mountains between Wet and Dry Summers. International Journal of Climatology, 42(10): 5293-5305.

18) Yin Zhao, Tianjun Zhou, Puxi Li, Kalli Furtado, Liwei Zou. (2021). Added value of a Convection Permitting Model in simulating Atmospheric Water cycle over the Asian Water Tower. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 126(13): e2021JD034788. [Award: “WCRP CORDEX-FPS-CPTP” Scientific Highlights in 2021]

19) Tian Ding, Tianjun Zhou, Xiaolong Chen, Liwei Zou, Puxi Li, Malcolm J. Roberts, Peili Wu. (2021). Enhanced Turbulent Heat Fluxes Improve Meiyu‐Baiu Simulation in High-Resolution Atmospheric Models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(9): e2020MS002430.

20) Ziming Chen, Tianjun Zhou, Wenxia Zhang, Puxi Li, Siyao Zhao. (2020). Projected Changes in the Annual Range of Precipitation Under Stabilized 1.5°C and 2.0°C Warming Futures. Earth's Future, 8(9): e2019EF001435.

21) Bjorn Stevens, Claudia Acquistapace, …, Puxi Li,…, Günter ZÄNGL. (2020). The Added Value of Large-Eddy and Storm-Resolving Models for Simulating Clouds and Precipitation. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 98(2): 395-435. [Award: JMSJ Award for the outstanding paper of JMSJ in 2020]

22) Xin Huang, Tianjun Zhou, Wenxia Zhang, Jie Jiang, Puxi Li, Yin Zhao. (2019). Northern Hemisphere land monsoon precipitation changes in the twentieth century revealed by multiple reanalysis datasets. Climate Dynamics, 53: 7131-7149.

23) 卜文惠, 陈昊明, 李普曦. (2022). 2020年夏季江淮流域降水ECMWF模式预报偏差分析. 暴雨灾害, 41(3):315-323.

24) 陈昊明, 李普曦, 赵妍. (2021). 千米尺度模式降水的检验评估进展及展望. 气象科技进展. 11(3): 155-164.

25) 孙宁, 周天军, 郭准, 李普曦. (2020). 副热带东亚季风区一次穿透性对流过程影响下平流层成分变化的个例分析. 大气科学, 44(6): 3−14.

26) 周天军, 吴波, 郭准, 何超, 邹立维, 陈晓龙, 张丽霞, 满文敏, 李普曦, 李东欢, 姚隽琛, 黄昕, 张文霞, 左萌, 陆静文, 孙宁. (2018). 东亚夏季风变化机理的模拟和未来变化的预估: 成绩和问题、机遇和挑战. 大气科学. 42(4): 902-934.



3)发表的关于公里尺度对流分辨模拟的学术论文(Li et al. 2020)被ESI数据库(Highly Cited Paper)收录,文章获ESI高被引论文(1%)

4)关于CPM的系统性工作(文章发表于Climate Dynamics, QJRMS, JGR-A),连续3年被WCRP旗舰试点研究工作组“CORDEX-FPS-CPTP”评为年度亮点研究(Scientific Highlights in 2020-2022)。受邀在2020年10月于7th CSSP China Annual Workshop进行大会报告(Plenary science highlight presentations;1/5),相关成果同时在2021年5月BAMS综述文章“The UK-China Climate Science to Service Partnership”中被长篇幅重点介绍。第一作者论文(Li et al. 2021)于2022年被评为WILEY高被引论文(Top Cited Article in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2020-2021


6)共同作者文章“Large-eddy and Storm Resolving Circulations for Climate Prediction - The Added Value of Resolving the Atmosphere’s Third Dimension”荣获日本气象学会优秀论文奖(2020 JMSJ outstanding award)