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2021.4 - 至今 中国气象科学研究院 灾害天气国家重点实验室  副研究员

2015.7 - 2021.3 北京城市气象研究院  副研究员


2010.9 - 2015.7 中国科学院大气物理研究所  导师:刘屹岷 研究员

2006.9 - 2010.7 兰州大学 本科 气象学

Yu, M., Zhou, W., Zhao, X., Liang, X., Wang, Y., & Tang, G. (2022). Is Urban Greening an Effective Solution to Enhance Environmental Comfort and Improve Air Quality? Environmental Science & Technology, 56(9), 5390-5397.

Luo, Y.*, Zhang, J., Yu, M.*, Liang, X., Xia, R., Gao, Y., ... & Yin, J. (2022). On the Influences of Urbanization on the Extreme Rainfall over Zhengzhou on 20 July 2021: A Convection-Permitting Ensemble Modeling Study. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 1-17.

Yu, M. , Chen, X. , J Yang, & Miao, S.  (2021). A new perspective on evaluating high-resolution urban climate simulation with urban canopy parameters. Urban Climate, 38(1), 100919.

Yu, M., Tang, G., Yang, Y., Li, Q., Wang, Y., Miao, S., ... & Wang, Y. (2020). The interaction between urbanization and aerosols during a typical winter haze event in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics20(16), 9855-9870.

Yu, M., González, J., & Miao, S. (2020). Evaluation of a mechanical drag coefficient formulation in the complex urban area of Beijing. Theoretical and Applied Climatology142(1), 743-749.

Yu, M., Liu, Y., & Miao, S. (2020). Impact of urbanization on rainfall of different strengths in the Beijing area. Theoretical and Applied Climatology139(3), 1097-1110.

Yu, M., González, J., Miao, S., & Ramamurthy, P. (2019). On the Assessment of a Cooling Tower Scheme for High-Resolution Numerical Weather Modeling for Urban Areas. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology58(6), 1399-1415

Yu, M., Miao, S., & Zhang, H. (2018). Uncertainties in the impact of urbanization on heavy rainfall: Case study of a rainfall event in Beijing on 7 August 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres123(11), 6005-6021.

Yu, M., Miao, S., & Li, Q. (2017). Synoptic analysis and urban signatures of a heavy rainfall on 7 August 2015 in Beijing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres122(1), 65-78.

Yu, M., S. Miao, and Q. Li (2016), Synoptic analysis and urban   signatures of a heavy rainfall on 7 August 2015 in Beijing, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD025420.Yu, M., and Y. Liu (2015), The possible impact of urbanization on a heavy rainfall event in Beijing, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 8132–8143,doi:10.1002/2015JD023336.

Yu, M., Y. Liu, Y. Dai, and A. Yang (2013), Impact of urbanization on boundary layer structure in Beijing, Climatic Change, 120(1-2), 123-136.Wang, Y., Yu, M., Wang, Y., Tang, G., Song, T., Zhou, P., ... and Petaja, T. (2020). Rapid formation of intense haze episodes via aerosol–boundary layer feedback in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(1), 45-53.

入选2020年 北京市青年托举人才计划