硕士生导师主要从事极端天气气候事件检测和归因的研究工作。近五年以来,本人主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和院基本科研业务费项目各1项,作为骨干成员参加国家重点研发专项1项,气象联合基金1项;获得第五届优秀科技论文遴选计划优秀论文奖;发表论文25篇,其中近5年一作SCI 6篇,核心期刊4篇,其中被IPCC引用4篇;完成决策服务材料5份,其中被中办单篇引用3份;参加完成专著1部,IPCC评估报告政府决策摘要(SPM)2份,中国气候变化评估报告1部。
202206至今 中国气象科学研究院全球变化与极地研究所
201808-202205 中国气象科学研究院 气候与气候变化研究所
1. 余荣,江志红,马红云. 中国东部城市群发展对南海夏季风爆发影响的模拟研究. 大气科学 40, 504–514 (2016).
2. Yu, R., Jiang, Z. & Zhai, P. Impact of Urban Land-Use Change in Eastern China on the East Asian Subtropical Monsoon: A Numerical Study. J. Meteor. Res 30, 203–216 (2016).
3. Zhai, P. et al. The strong El Niño of 2015/16 and its dominant impacts on global and China’s climate. J. Meteorol. Res. 30, 283–297 (2016).
4. 翟盘茂,余荣,郭艳君. 2015/2016年强厄尔尼诺过程及其对全球和中国气候的主要影响. 气象学报 74, 309–321 (2016).
5. Li, C. et al. Attribution of extreme precipitation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River during May 2016. Environ. Res. Lett. 13, 014015 (2017).
6. 翟盘茂,廖圳,陈阳,余荣,袁宇锋,陆虹. 气候变暖背景下降水持续性与相态变化的研究综述. 气象学报 75, 527–538 (2017).
7. 翟盘茂 et al. 1.5℃增暖对全球和区域影响的研究进展. 气候变化研究进展 13, 465–472 (2017).
8. 余荣,翟盘茂. 厄尔尼诺对长江中下游地区夏季持续性降水结构的影响及其可能机理. 气象学报 76, 408–419 (2018).
9. Yu, R., Zhai, P. & Chen, Y. Facing climate change-related extreme events in megacities of China in the context of 1.5 °C global warming. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability vol. 30 75–81 (2018).
10. Yu, R., Zhai, P. & Lu, Y. Implications of differential effects between 1.5 and 2 °C global warming on temperature and precipitation extremes in China’s urban agglomerations. Int. J. Climatol. 38, 2374–2385 (2018).
11. Zhou, B., Zhai, P., Chen, Y. & Yu, R. Projected changes of thermal growing season over Northern Eurasia in a 1.5 °c and 2 °c warming world. Environ. Res. Lett. 13, 035004 (2018).
12. 王倩,翟盘茂,余荣. 2018年7月北半球极端天气气候事件及环流特征分析. 大气科学学报 42, 28–35 (2019).
13. Zhai, P., Yuan, Y., Yu, R. & Guo, J. 气候变化和城市可持续发展. 科学通报 64, 1995–2001 (2019).
14. 余荣. IPCC作者队伍的遴选标准、 职责和组建流程. 气象科技进展 9, 29–33 (2019).
15. 余荣 & 翟盘茂. 海洋和冰冻圈变化有关的极端事件、 突变及其影响与风险. 气候变化研究进展 16, 194–202 (2020).
16. Ren, L. et al. Anthropogenic influences on the persistent night-time heat wave in summer 2018 over Northeast China. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 101, S83–S88 (2020).
17. Yu, R. & Zhai, P. Changes in compound drought and hot extreme events in summer over populated eastern China. Weather Clim. Extrem. 30, 100295 (2020).
18. Yu, R. & Zhai, P. More frequent and widespread persistent compound drought and heat event observed in China. Sci. Rep. 10, 1–7 (2020).
19. Lu, Y. et al. Toward understanding 1.5°C global warming influences on temperature and precipitation extremes at different timings: Before and after overshooting. Int. J. Glob. Warm. 21, 120–140 (2020).
20. 余荣;翟盘茂. 关于复合型极端事件的新认识和启示. 大气科学学报 44, 645–649 (2021).
21. 翟盘茂, 周佰铨, 陈阳 & 余荣. 气候变化科学方面的几个最新认知. 气候变化研究进展 17, 629–635 (2021).
22. Yu, R. & Zhai, P. Changes in Summer Persistent Precipitation over the Middle-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River and Associated Atmospheric Circulation Patterns. J. Meteorol. Res. 35, 393–401 (2021).
23. Lu, C. et al. Anthropogenic Influence on 2019 May–June Extremely Low Precipitation in Southwestern China. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 102, S97–S102 (2021).
24. Yu, R. & Zhai, P. An objective approach to predict the spatial property of anomalous rain-belt of Meiyu. Weather Clim. Extrem. 37, 100466 (2022).
25. Xiao, H. X. et al. Contributions of internal climate variability in driving global and ocean temperature variations using multi-layer perceptron neural network. Adv. Clim. Chang. Res. 13, 459–472 (2022).