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我的研究兴趣为气候预测和气候变化影响适应等方向,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目负责人,IPCC第55次全会中国代表团成员,中国气象局青年英才、中国气象局首批青年创新团队带头人,《应用气象学报》编委、《高原气象》青年编委,以第一/通讯作者在Nature Geoscience, PNAS, Science Bulletin等SCI期刊发表论文近20篇;牵头撰写2项国家标准和1项行业标准,牵头完成软件著作权1项;作为编写组成员参与撰写全国气象预报业务十四五规划。


2004.09-2008.07 北京大学物理学院 本科

2008.09-2013.07 北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系 博士

2010.09-2012.10 International Pacific Research Center 联合培养博士


2013.7-至今 国家气候中心 助理研究员、高级工程师、研究员


《应用气象学报》编委(2021年至今)、《高原气象》青年编委(2022年至今)、《Global Transitions》青年编委(2022年至今)、中华预防医学会环境卫生分会委员(2023至今)


2017 年:被中国气象学会聘为“气象科技转播专家团队专家”


国际著名学术期刊《Journal of Climate》、《Climate Dynamics》、《Geophysical Research Letters》、《Environmental Research Letters》、《JGR-Atmosphere》、《Atmospheric Research》、《International Journal of Climatology》、《Atmospheric Science Letters》等的审稿人


Lu, Zhenghui, Wenjie Dong, Bo Lu et al. 2022: Early warning of the Indian Ocean Dipole using climate network analysis. PNAS, 119 (11) e2109089119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2109089119(共同通讯)

Xie, S.-P., B. Lu, and B. Xiang, 2013: Similar spatial patterns of climate responses to aerosol and greenhouse gas changes. Nature Geoscience, 6, 828-832. (共同一作)

Lu, B., H.-L. Ren, A.-A. Scaife, et al., 2018: An extreme negative Indian Ocean Dipole event in 2016: dynamics and predictability. Climate Dynamics, 51, 89–100。

Lu, B and Y. Takaya, Record Meiyu-Baiu of 2020: reflections for prediction, Science Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2021.05.011.

Lu, B., F.-F. Jin, H.-L. Ren, 2018: A Coupled Dynamic Index for ENSO Periodicity. Journal of Climate, 31, 2361-2376.

Lu, B., H.-L. Ren, 2020: What caused the extreme Indian Ocean Dipole event in 2019? Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL087768

Lu, B., A. Scaife, N. Dunstone, et al., 2017: Skillful seasonal predictions of winter precipitation over southern China. Environmental Research Letters, 074021, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa739a

Lu, B.; Ren, Hong-Li*; SST-forced interdecadal deepening of the winter India-Burma trough since the 1950s, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016, 121: 2719-2731.

Lu, B.; Li, Haiyan; Wu, Jie; Zhang, Taixi; Liu, Jing; Liu, Bao; Chen, Ying; Baishan, Jiazila; Impact of El Nino and Southern Oscillation on the summer precipitation over Northwest China , Atmospheric Science Letters, 2019, 20: e928.

Liu, C., B. Lu et al. Impact of the cold surge event in January 2021 on the power system of China. ACCR, 2022, 13(6): 803-810. (通讯作者) 

Lin, X., B. Lu et al. Asymmetric impacts of El Nino-Southern Oscillation on the winter precipitation over South China: the role of the India-Burma Trough. Climate Dynamics, doi: 10/1007/s00382-023-06675-0. (通讯作者)

Lu, Bo; Ren, Hong-Li* ; ENSO Features, Dynamics, and Teleconnections to East Asian Climate as Simulated in CAMS-CSM , Journal of Meteorological Research, 2019, 33: 46-65

Lu, Bo; Ren, Hong-Li* ; Eade, Rosie; Andrews, Martin; Indian Ocean SST modes and Their Impacts as Simulated in BCC_CSM1.1(m) and HadGEM3, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2018, 35: 1035-1048.

Lu, Bo; Ren, Hong-Li* ; Improving ENSO periodicity simulation by adjusting cumulus entrainment in BCC_CSMs, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 2016, 76: 127-140.

Li, G., C. Gao, B. Xu, B. Lu, H. Chen, H. Ma, and X. Li, Strengthening influence of El Niño on the following spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula. J. Climate, 2021, 34, 5971-5984. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0940.1.

2020 年入选中国气象局首批新时代气象高层次科技创新人才计划“青年气象英才”

