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l 中国科学院大气物理研究所气象学博士毕业,从事农业气象和气候变化研究

l 世界气象组织(WMO)农业气象专家(2014-2018)

l 2017年入选气科院高层次人才培养计划(科技领军人才)

l 2012年获气科院优秀青年奖,赴美国密苏里大学访问1年

l 主持和参加国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、公益性行业科研专项等项目18项

l 发表学术论文100多篇,其中SCI/EI等50余篇

l 已培养博士生1名和硕士生10余名 

l 目前在读硕士生有2名 

l 指导农业气象业务骨干30余名


  1. Junfang Zhao*, Xiangna Kong, Kejun He, Hui Xu, Mu Jia, 2020. Assessment of the radiation effect of aerosols on maize production in China, Science of the Total Environment 720, 137567.[SCI] 
  2. Junfang Zhao*, Xiangna Kong, Hui Xu, Yanhong Zhang, Yueqing Jiang, 2020. Assessment of biomass and yield loss of maize caused by aerosols in heavily polluted agricultural areas of China based on APSIM model. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,102835.[SCI]
  3. Junfang Zhao*, Yupeng Wang, Jingwen, Hongfei Xie, Shuang Sun. 2020. Soil moisture assessment based on multi-source remotely sensed data in the Huaihe River Basin, China. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12874 [SCI] 
  4. Junfang Zhao*, Jianyong Ma, Yujie Zhu. 2019. Evaluating impacts of climate change on net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of global different forest types based on an individual tree-based model FORCCHN and remote sensing. Global and Planetary Change 182, 103010.[SCI] 
  5. Junfang Zhao*Jianyong MaMeiting HouSen Li. 2019. Spatial–temporal variations of carbon storage of the global forest ecosystem under future climate change. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,1-22.[SCI]
  6. Junfang Zhao*, Houquan Lu, Yijun Li. 2019. Agricultural Adaptation to Drought for Different Cropping Systems in Southern China under Climate Change. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1-13.[SCI]
  7. Junfang Zhao*, Xin Zhan, Yueqing Jiang, Jingwen Xu. 2018.Variations in climatic suitability and planting regionalization for potato in northern China under climate change. PLoS ONE 13(9), e0203538.[SCI] 
  8. Junfang Zhao*, Feiyu Pu, Yunpeng Li, Jingwen Xu, Ning Li, Yi Zhang, Jianping Guo, Zhihua Pan, 2017. Assessing the combined effects of climatic factors on spring wheat phenophase and grain yield in Inner Mongolia, China. PLOS ONE 12(11), e0185690. [SCI] 
  9. Junfang Zhao*, Yanhong Zhang, Yonglan Qian, Zhihua Pan, Yujie Zhu, Yi Zhang, Jianping Guo, Lingling Xu, 2016. Coincidence of variation in potato yield and climate in northern China.Science of the Total Environment 573, 965–973.[SCI] 
  10. Junfang Zhao*, Jingwen Xu, XingmeiXie, Houquan Lu, 2016.Drought monitoring based on TIGGE and distributed hydrological model in Huaihe River Basin. Science of the Total Environment 553, 358–365. [SCI] 
  11. Junfang Zhao*, Jianping Guo, Jia Mu, 2015. Exploring the relationships between climatic variables and climate-induced yield of spring maize in Northeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 207, 79–90.[SCI]
  12. Junfang Zhao*, Jianping Guo, Yanhong Xu, Jia Mu, 2015. Effects of climate change on cultivation patterns of spring maize and its climatic suitability in Northeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 202, 178–187. [SCI] 
  13. Junfang Zhao*, Jianping Guo, Jia Mu, Yanhong Xu, 2015. Exploring the Dynamics of Agricultural Climatic Resource Utilization of Spring Maize Over the Past 50 Years in Northeast China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 87-88, 19-27.[SCI] 
  14. Junfang Zhao*, Jianping Guo, 2015. Multidecadal changes in moisture condition during climatic growing period of crops in Northeast China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 87-88, 28-42.[SCI]
  15. Junfang Zhao*, Xiaodong Yan, Gensuo Jia, 2012. Simulating Net Carbon Budget of Forest Ecosystems and Its Response to Climate Change in Northeastern China Using Improved FORCCHN. Chin. Geogra. Sci. 22(1), 29-41. [SCI]
  16. Junfang Zhao*, Xiaodong Yan, Jianping Guo, Gensuo Jia, 2012. Evaluating Spatial-temporal Dynamics of Net Primary Productivity of Different Forest Types in Northeastern China Based on Improved FORCCHN. PLoS ONE 7(11), e48131. [SCI] 
  17. YonglanQian, Junfang Zhao*, ShuicaoZheng, YunCao, LeiXue, 2020. Risk assessment of the global crop loss in ENSO events. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,102845.[SCI]
  18. Jianping Guo, Junfang Zhao*,Yanhong Xu, Zheng Chu, Jia Mu, Qian Zhao, 2015. Effects of adjusting cropping systems on utilization efficiency of climatic resources in Northeast China under future climate scenarios. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 87-88, 87-96.[SCI]